Bad feeling about the film Doc Ido (Spoiler Warning!!!)
One of the most interesting aspects of the film version of Doctor Ido, or Dyson Ido is his actual removal of the mark of Zalem from his forehead, with a scar remaining, but still, it differs from his original iteration that retained the mark. There is a mythological or cultural significance to markings on one’s body, throughout history in world cultures, markings or tattoos were a mark of loyalty or alignment.
The trident tattoo for devotion to the worship of deities such as Zeus (lightning bolt) or Poseidon (Trident). In more recent times, people often got tattoos for other indications such as indicating that one was a veteran of a military branch such as the army or navy.
A Poseidon Tatoo
In Battle Angel Alita, or GUNNM, Zalemites were marked on the forehead with a tattoo, or in the film with a gem in the forehead. As a mark of becoming an adult and showing that they were part of the Zalemite society.
By essence of Ido removing his mark from his forehead, he is showing that he no longer considers himself a citizen of Zalem or affiliated with them. He considers himself part of life on the surface. This largely suggests, along with other features, that the makers of The live action film adaption known as Alita : Battle Angel had more of the original series in mind than the later retconned story contained in the continuation known as Last Order and Mars Chronicle. Certain elements from beyond the original series such as the character of Alita’s superior officer named Gelda were included, but I feel the now retconned ending of Doc Ido being living his life out on the surface with no memory of his past self, or possibly an ending where he rests in peace appear to be the direction that the film makers had in mind for the character of Dyson Ido in the film.
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