Castlevania Anniversary Collection on Mac OS


Castlevania Anniversary Collection on Mac OS!

     Castlevania is a famous series of action/horror games which began back in 1986 involving fighting Count Dracula.  During the streaming of a Netflix Animated Series based on the IP, also called Castlevania, Konami began the re-release of the games in the series, beginning with the first Castlevania games for NES, Gameboy, etc.  So, I finally got to the project I promised when it came to testing out Castlevania : Anniversary Collection on Mac OS using Codeweavers Crossover.  This is what I found.  


Installing Steam 

    Since this is a game from Steam, the first step is to Install Steam, I have two guides for installing Steam.  I have a written guide here on Radio Kaos, and I also have a video guide on YouTube!  You can reference either depending on what works better for you.  There also is a guide to setting up game controllers in written form over here on Radio Kaos!



So How is Castlevania : Anniversary Collection?

    Well, the overall performance of Castlevania : The Anniversary Collection is that it runs, but due to some software issues which hopefully will be ironed out in the coming days, it runs extra fast, with a higher framerate, music playing faster than it should be, etc.  A perfect experience for a more skilled or experienced gamer, but not as it should.  The controller functionality is great, however, and the game plays otherwise as it should.  You can see more details in the video guide and demonstration which I have set up.



With all of these steps completed, you should have a great time playing Castlevania : Anniversary Collection using Codeweavers Crossover!  In conclusion, I would like to invite you to check out the Forums on Codeweavers.  Entries for various apps have forums and Tips for getting the Applications to work!  I also have additional guides on this blog, for the other names with the title of Castlevania, including Castlevania : Mirror of Fate, and Castlevania : Lords of Shadow 2.  Or a dose of Real-Time Strategy Games with Age of Empires II : Definitive Edition, Age of Empires III : Definitive Edition, or Command & Conquer Remastered Collection .  If you are available to actively test and rate the compatibility of various Applications on Codeweavers Crossover, you may want to consider becoming a Bettertester!  As a Bettertester, you regularly test Apps and can be rewarded with Bettertester Points to buy merchandise or even extended subscriptions to Crossover, saving money you would need for renewing your subscription!
    You can follow additional guides for getting Windows applications running on Mac OS over here on my blog : Radio Kaos.  You can also follow additional instructional video guides on my YouTube Playlist, Kaos Tutorials.  Kaos Tutorials episodes are also available on the Rumble Channel of the same name.
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